Holy Crapola!
My organic delivery arrived today. Holy crap. This time, I picked a few things myself but also ordered what my organic delivery service calls the Cookbook Box. Their chef chooses a cookbook, flips through to find recipes that sound good, puts their veggie (and meat if you choose) ingredients into a box with the cookbook, and you have dinner for 5 for a week.
They weren't kidding.

This is what fit on the counter.

Here's the cookbook that came with it.

I flipped through the cookbook briefly and there are a lot of things I want to try.
There are a lot of vegetables I either haven't eaten in a very long time or never even tried. Red chard. Parsnips. THREE different kinds of potatoes. Pears coming out of my butt (I ordered 3 pounds of anjou not knowing what would be in the box - guess what? There were red pears in it!). There are things I have never seen before and have no idea what they are. I am hoping I can figure it out from the pictures in the book.
I also ordered a case of raspberries. Jam, syrup....don't know what I will do with them yet.
I better start cooking soon - I hate to throw food away and since it's all organic, it doesn't have the shelf life of the junk you buy in a grocery store. I don't know how I am going to get at the leftovers for my lunch tomorrow LOL
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