Tuesday, October 31, 2006

GF panini goodness

Took the day off of work today to relax and also because I have a podiatrist appointment this afternoon. Did some grocery shopping, coming home with fresh mozzarella cheese and some baby greens.

Tomato, Baby Greens, & Fresh Mozzarella Panini

2 slices GF bread
tomato slices
baby greens
slices of fresh mozzarella
roasted garlic-infused olive oil

Set out 2 slices of bread. Cover one slice with baby greens, sliced tomato, and fresh mozzarella. Drizzle olive oil and sprinkle basil on the other slice. Combine the 2 slices into a sandwich.

Heat the panini grill to HOT. When it's ready, put the sandwich on and wait patiently until the cheese is melted and the bread is toasty.

Pick off any cat hair and enjoy your sandwich with a salad.

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